Turn Your Ideas into Profitable Products with Eureka!

Ever had a brilliant idea for a new product or business, but didn't know how to make it a reality? The Eureka! Product & Business Development Course is your comprehensive guide to taking your concepts from mind to market.

It's Time to Bring Your Vision to Life!

With Eureka®, you'll get step-by-step training on every aspect of product development and commercialisation. Through 5 power-packed modules, you'll learn skills like:

  • Protecting your intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and non-disclosure agreements

  • Conducting thorough market research to validate demand

  • Creating prototypes through digital and physical methods

  • Developing a bulletproof business plan

  • Registering and structuring your company for growth

By the end of this course, you'll have a complete roadmap for launching your product idea successfully.

Meet Your Instructor

Peter Morrison is a distinguished inventor and multi-award-winning entrepreneur renowned for his creative spirit, innovative solutions, and unwavering commitment to education and environmental sustainability. His remarkable journey from a machine operator to a celebrated inventor and advocate for positive change has made a significant impact on the world.

As of the present day, Peter Morrison continues to push the boundaries of innovation. He is actively involved in developing a new invention within the horticulture industry, further demonstrating his relentless drive to make the world a better place through innovative solutions.

Peter Morrison's life story is a testament to the power of determination, creativity, and a commitment to positive change. His journey from a young machine operator to a celebrated inventor and advocate for environmental sustainability and education is an inspiration to aspiring innovators and serves as a reminder that individual passion and ingenuity can have a profound impact on society.

Peter Morrison

British Inventor

  • Learn From A Proven Expert

    You'll get a 360-degree master class from someone who has won prestigious honors like British Inventor of the Year (twice!), the ACBF Environmental Technology Award, and recognition from major companies like Shell UK.

  • Convenient Online Learning

    All course materials are available online for self-paced learning on your schedule. You'll have lifetime access to video lessons, downloadable resources, community forums, and more. Learn anytime, anywhere.

  • Get Certified

    Upon completing all course requirements, you'll receive an official certificate of completion for the Eureka! Product & Business Development Course. Use this to demonstrate your skills to investors, partners, and customers.

Don't let your great ideas stay locked up any longer.

Enrol in the Eureka® course today and finally make that product a profitable reality.


Start Your Journey Today